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  1. Paulim Sartori says:

    Thanks, everyone!!

  2. david lang says:

    great show!!!!!
    yay, one beat!!!

  3. Manfred Paul Westphal says:

    thanks for the great evening in Europe

  4. Gregory Chudzik says:

    if I wake up in the morning with 1/10th of Domi energy I’m at my prime.

    1. Domenica Fossati says:


  5. Alex RH says:


  6. OneBeat Music says:

    Thank you all for watching! We will restream that marathon in the coming month. Follow our social media accounts for those updates.

  7. Paulim Sartori says:

    Hell, yeah!!

    1. Domenica Fossati says:

      Paulim!!!!! Nice set earlier 🙂

    2. Paulim Sartori says:

      Thanks, Domenica!! So kind of you. You guys rock hard 🙂

  8. Gregory Chudzik says:


  9. Domenica Fossati says:


  10. Alex Asher says:


  11. OneBeat Music says:

    Head over to 1beat.org to learn more about some of the performers from today and to support our program.

  12. OneBeat Music says:

    Last but not least! The seminal afropop/ punk/dance group Underground System, who have reworked their massive stage show into a paired down hybrid live electronic performance. Featuring 2012 alumna Domenica Fossati and Peter Matson.

  13. Gregory Chudzik says:


  14. Gregory Chudzik says:

    wonderful performance

  15. Tim at Bang on a Can says:

    I love his records and bands…but this solo stuff is achingly beautiful.

    1. Paulim Sartori says:

      Achingly beautiful. I second that.

  16. Hilary Hawke says:


  17. Alex Asher says:

    Bongeziwe crushing it.

  18. OneBeat Music says:

    Over the last 8 years, 2014 OneBeat Fellow Bongeziwe Mabandla has steadily built a career that now sees him taking his place as the enigmatic spirit of African Soul. He joins us now from his hometown of Johannesburg.

  19. Zamadunga Mathonsi says:


  20. Manfred Paul Westphal says:

    great minimalist electronica

  21. Nancy Szalwinski says:

    Thanks for all the great music. What a wonderful Sunday afternoon soundtrack!

    1. Kyla-rose Smith says:

      Thank you for being here Nancy!

  22. Gregory Chudzik says:

    very, very cool mod synth stuff – is that a Monome instrument I spy??

  23. OneBeat Music says:

    2012 fellow Piotr Kurek is a composer and performing artist who straddles various worlds of electronic music, taking inspiration from many genres but fitting comfortably in none. Through his unconventional use of a wide array of instruments, both electronic and acoustic, he built a reputation for himself as an inventor of hypnotic worlds drenched in uncanny arrangements. He joins us from Warsaw.

  24. OneBeat Music says:

    Up next, our friend Askat Zhetigen Uulu- a Bishkek-based Komuz player, poet and composer who writes for solo, vocal, and a range of orchestras and ensembles. He is one of Kyrgyzstan’s most celebrated instrumentalists.

  25. Paulim Sartori says:

    So, so, so beautiful.

  26. OneBeat Music says:

    You can make a donation to support artists, musicians and OneBeat, at https://live.bangonacan.org/tix

  27. Gregory Chudzik says:

    always amazed by how many different instruments Jiha knows how to play at such a high level

  28. OneBeat Music says:

    We are now joined by 2013 alumna Jiha Park from Seoul. Jiha is a composer and performer of traditional Korean instruments, such as Piri, Taepyungso, Saenghwang and Yanggeum (which she is using today).

  29. Paulim Sartori says:

    What a set! I’m blown.

  30. OneBeat Music says:

    Joining us now from Paris is Egyptian saz player and 2015 fellow Abdallah Abozekry!

  31. Gregory Chudzik says:


  32. Paulim Sartori says:

    What an enviable indoor garden!

  33. Domenica Fossati says:

    wooooooo Eryen and company are dope!

  34. Alex Asher says:

    Eryen is such a star. It was incredible to meet her in 2019.

  35. OneBeat Music says:

    Performing now is Eryen Korath, and incredible marimba de chonta player, vocalist, and student of law, coming to us from Buenaventura, Colombia!

  36. Ripley DJ says:

    Solidaridad con el pueblo de colombia, especialmente los manifestantes, los indígenas y los afrocolombianos!

  37. Tim at Bang on a Can says:

    The instruments are extensions of their bodies and dancing. I can’t take it…I want to be in the room!

  38. Gregory Chudzik says:

    everything about this SLAMS, what a VIBE

  39. Ravish Momin says:

    groove is sooo deep…⚡️

  40. Alex Asher says:

    Mathieu Ruz is such a soulful vocalist

  41. OneBeat Music says:

    Here’s a music video from our OneBeat Colombia program, directed by Maria Catalina Sandoval, of the film production company Videorganica. Filmed by FSN’s Jeremy Thal, with drone footage from Jonather Edery.

  42. Ravish Momin says:

    hello DJ Ripley!

  43. Ripley DJ says:


  44. Ravish Momin says:


  45. Domenica Fossati says:

    This is beautiful!

  46. Alex Asher says:

    Yeah Sanaya. Those sounds!

  47. OneBeat Music says:

    Joining us now from Goa, India is 2014 alumna, producer and electronic musician Sandunes!

  48. Ravish Momin says:

    yea, Sanaya, get it!

  49. Ravish Momin says:


  50. Domenica Fossati says:

    yeaaaaaaa Amel!!!!

  51. OneBeat Music says:

    We are now in Algeria — with a performance by vocalist and 2016 fellow Amel Zen. She is joined on guitar by Mehdi Djama, singing a song called Yelis Iyourayen, or “Little Girl of Gouraya”, a song about a little girl and her North African roots, promoting universal values of existence, freedom and human dignity.

  52. Ravish Momin says:


  53. Domenica Fossati says:

    Aki killin it!

  54. OneBeat Music says:

    Joining us now is Queens-based MC Akinyemi, who was a OneBeat fellow in 2018 and a OneBeat Balkans fellow. He’s performing two new songs: Parachute and Glaciers, which are part of his upcoming album that drops in June.

  55. Bohemian Kid says:

    Thank you from Cincinnati

  56. Ravish Momin says:

    flex. flow

  57. Lukas Haase says:

    Akinyemi never disappoints 🔥

    1. Paulim Sartori says:

      Have to agree!

  58. Ravish Momin says:

    Hi Alex Asher!

    1. Alex Asher says:

      Ravish! hi!

  59. Alex Asher says:

    Heavy vibe.

  60. OneBeat Music says:

    This video was shot by Ora Dekornfeld during our OneBeat Balkans program, and features the song ‘Ka Se Zaljubile’. Featuring Serbian vocalist Minela Bogdanovic, New Orleans-based bassist Martin Masakowski (who performs on his self-made contrabass with electronics), and rapper/poet Akinyemi from Queens.

  61. Ravish Momin says:

    love this!

  62. Manfred Paul Westphal says:

    like it very much-mimimal demonstration

  63. OneBeat Music says:

    Joining us now from Brooklyn, NY, is bassist, composer and 2013 alumnus Greg Chudzik. Greg has been teaching himself coding during the pandemic, and using this coding to write music

  64. Domenica Fossati says:

    bravo Paulo!

    1. Paulim Sartori says:

      Many thanks, Domenica!

  65. OneBeat Music says:

    To support these great artists, head to https://live.bangonacan.org/tix/

  66. Herb Leventer says:

    Pablo—what an incredible combination of sounds! Bravo1

    1. Paulim Sartori says:

      Thank you so much!

  67. Alex Asher says:

    Yes, Paulo.

    1. Paulim Sartori says:

      Alex! Thanks, mate. Still remember fondly an amazing house party I went to in Brooklyn with Los Cumpleaños just firing the whole place up. Wild!

  68. Philippa Thompson says:

    I am loving this concert. So much incredible music and global talent. Thanks everyone!!

  69. OneBeat Music says:

    Joining us now from Belo Horizonte, Brazilian composer, arranger and multi-instrumentalist and 2017 fellow Paulo Sartori.

  70. Birh Razafindrakoto says:

    Thank you Tsanta and family for representing the Malagasy Culture. ( Madagascar)

  71. Alex Asher says:


  72. Gregory Chudzik says:


  73. Nancy Szalwinski says:

    Loving this!

  74. zo abelle johnson ravelonirina says:

    Salama e, mankasitraka anareo

  75. Kyla-rose Smith says:

    Love this band so much

  76. Alex Asher says:

    Beautiful playing, Tsanta and Family.

  77. Gregory Chudzik says:

    this is SO GOOD – how i’ve never really listened to music from Madagascar before this is beyond me.

  78. OneBeat Music says:

    Joining us from Antananarivo, Madagascar is 2018 alumnus Tsanta Randriamihajasoa joined by his incredible family band Sodiala.

  79. Eryen Korath OG says:

    Wow! Sound beautiful!

  80. Tim at Bang on a Can says:

    I get teary and happy every time I see this familial band play. Love, melody, rhythm

    1. Tim at Bang on a Can says:

      and harmony!

  81. Nancy Szalwinski says:

    Makes me want to travel – so much!

  82. Gregory Chudzik says:

    so wonderful to see everyone’s homes!

  83. Selma Lotenberg says:

    Beautiful Edison would’ve been very proud

  84. Tim at Bang on a Can says:

    The cat’s had enough but I’m loving this. My favorite line from Wei Wei (aka VAVABOND) bio about her music: “process meaningless and fragmented sounds in a nonlinear-time approach.” Meaning, I suspect, that time travel is involved somehow.

  85. Kenny Savelson says:

    And how appropriate to have Los Cumpleanos on the first birthday of the Bang on a Can Marathon Live Online! Our first streamed Marathon was exactly one year ago today, first Sunday of May 2020. This is the 9th!

    1. Alex Asher says:

      Feliz Cumpleaños, Digi Bang Marathon!

  86. Laura Liben says:

    The cat is such an integral part of this piece!

    1. Domenica Fossati says:


  87. OneBeat Music says:

    Performing now is 2012 alumna and Beijing-based laptop noise improviser Wei Wei (aka Vavabond)!

  88. Julia Wolfe says:

    loved Los Cumpleaños!!

  89. OneBeat Music says:

    Head to 1beat.org to learn more about some of the performers from today and to support our program.

  90. david lang says:

    this is so great!

  91. Alex Asher says:

    So fun to put this together. Much love to all the OneBeat Fam.

  92. OneBeat Music says:

    Check out Los Cumpleaños’ latest release, their ‘Agua EP’ from May of last year: https://loscumpleanos.bandcamp.com/album/agua-ep

  93. Paulim Sartori says:

    ¡A romperla!

  94. Gregory Chudzik says:

    vamos, vamos!

  95. OneBeat Music says:

    Joining us from Brooklyn, NY is the energetic quartet Los Cumpleaños- bringing their mix of Colombian dance music, downtown punk and psych. Featuring 2014 fellow Alex Asher on trombone.

  96. Gregory Chudzik says:

    This rips.

  97. Gregory Chudzik says:

    ya ya, Malabika!

  98. Nancy Szalwinski says:

    Beautiful. Thinking of India.

  99. OneBeat Music says:

    You are now watching Baul vocalist and 2013 alumna Malabika Brahma, whose music is a fusion of folk, blues, and Indian classical music, influenced by Vedic Hinduism and Baul mystic minstrel tradition. She’s joined on saz by Emre Gultekin.

  100. Paulim Sartori says:

    You’re a genious, Sayun!!

  101. OneBeat Music says:

    Please consider making a donation to support artists, musicians and OneBeat, at https://live.bangonacan.org/tix/.

  102. Manfred Paul Westphal says:

    impressive and heavy

  103. lexa walsh says:


  104. OneBeat Music says:

    2017 OneBeat fellow Sayun Chang’s work explores the intersection of contemporary classical music and the indigenous rhythms of Taiwan. She is be joined by experimental vocalist Alice Hui-Sheng Chang in Tainan.

  105. Todd Reynolds says:

    Floor tunes are awesome. This is so so wonderful

  106. OneBeat Music says:

    This music video filmed in 2017 in Fort Collins, CO featuring Courtney Hartman (who performed earlier), Johanna Amayo from Colombia, Hannah Fidler from Chicago, Sayun Chang from Taiwan (who we’ll see next) and Lama Zakharia from Jordan, singing an original song of Lama’s, a satirical song about an overpromising politician. This film was made by longtime OneBeat collaborator Jacob Blumberg.

  107. Julia Wolfe says:


  108. Biz Bisard says:

    Stellar accordion work. Fine vocal. A small touch of Fado in the sound, too. So nice to see the actually working together during this plague.

  109. lexa walsh says:

    Hi Loves!

    1. Paulim Sartori says:

      Lexa! <3

    2. lexa walsh says:

      Paulim, did you go yet? I just woke up 🙂

    3. Paulim Sartori says:

      Not yet, Lexa! 🙂 hope you’re having a beautiful Sunday!

  110. OneBeat Music says:

    Eva has devoted her life to the longevity and evolution of East European musical traditions. Today she and Peter they are perform two songs- “Dema miro” and “Pusti me da živim”, two songs by Vida Pavlović, a Serbian Romani singer, who speaks to challenges faced by women and her own personal story.

  111. OneBeat Music says:

    Next up is Onebeat Istanbul and 2012 fellow Eva Salina, joined by accordionist Peter Stan.

  112. Todd Reynolds says:

    Thank you, Mehdi Qamoum, beautiful.

  113. Tim at Bang on a Can says:

    Welcome to friends from Colombia, South Africa, Algeria, Madagascar, China, Poland, all over Europe and many more. The globe is alive with musical connection and mutual respect. More music to come!

  114. Paulim Sartori says:

    Beautiful, beautiful collaboration indeed!

    1. Paulim Sartori says:

      Love you, Mehdi!

  115. OneBeat Music says:

    Mehdi is a traditional gnawa musician, having mastered numerous folk instruments including guembri, outar, karbaou, bendir and a custom guembri four-string electric bass which he built himself.

  116. Todd Reynolds says:

    Okay, my new favorite artist. beautiful. Such wonderful stereo imaging and placement in your music making, OMMA. gorgeous sound designl and yes, your beautiful set as well.

  117. Jeffrey Bishop says:

    Great to be on board!! Sounding great!!

  118. Paulim Sartori says:

    Gotta love that combination of music and “stage” design… so soothing!

  119. OneBeat Music says:

    Up next is 2017 Alumna OMMA, whose electronic devices transform touch into midi notes making anything- from a fish bowl to a pineapple- into a midi controller. She joins us from Paris!

  120. Todd Reynolds says:

    Amen, Julie…

  121. Eryen Korath says:


  122. OneBeat Music says:

    During the Marathon you will see performances by OneBeat Alumni from 16 countries stretching over five continents. If you would like to learn more about our large network of brilliant alumni, visit https://1beat.org

  123. Krishna Jhaveri says:


  124. OneBeat Music says:

    We open the OneBeat Marathon with the return of the amazing duo Courtney Hartman (US) and Mehdi Qamoum​ (Morocco), who first performed together during the 2017 OneBeat residency.

  125. Paulim Sartori says:

    Courtney… Tall Mehdi… oh, my <3

  126. Kenny Savelson says:


  127. Paulim Sartori says:

    This is going to be wild… excited for it!

  128. Julia Wolfe says:

    excited for the show!!

  129. Tim at Bang on a Can says:

    From Bang on a Can and our brilliant Found Sound Nation teamm we’re so glad to welcome you to OneBeat Marathon II! Today is full of adventurous and gorgeous music from around the globe. For those unfamiliar with the history and breadth of the nearly 10 years of OneBeat international cultural exchanges, please do learn more at https://1beat.org/

    15 minutes to go!

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ONEBEAT Marathon
May 2, 2021
12-4 PM ET

Rebroadcast for timezone friendliness:
May 3, 2021
12-4 AM ET

A Global Music Celebration curated and hosted by Found Sound Nation

“The OneBeat Virtual Marathon is back! OneBeat, a singular global music exchange led by our Found Sound Nation team, employs collaborative original music as a potent new form of cultural diplomacy. We are thrilled to present this second virtual event, showcasing creative musicians who come together to make music, not war. The OneBeat Marathon brings together disparate musical communities, offering virtuosic creators a space to share their work. These spectacular musicians join us from across the globe, from a wide range of musical traditions. They illuminate our world, open our ears, and break through the barriers that keep us apart.” 

-Julia Wolfe, Bang on a Can co-founder and co-artistic director

For four hours on May 2, the OneBeat Marathon will share the power of music and tap into the most urgent and essential sounds of our time. From the Kyrgyz three-stringed komuz played on the high steppe, to the tranceful marimba de chonta of Colombia’s pacific shore, to the Algerian Amazigh highlands and to the trippy organic beats of Bombay’s underground scene — OneBeat finds a unifying possibility of sound that ties us all together.

OneBeat, an initiative of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and produced by Found Sound Nation, is redefining music diplomacy.  For the past decade, OneBeat residency programs have convened young pioneering musicians from across the world to dive into the musical unknown together and build a global network of artists committed to civic discourse. This event is part a year-long celebration of online events and programs to commemorate OneBeat’s 10th anniversary.

The OneBeat Marathon will be free to stream and all Marathon performers are compensated.  But an entire ecosystem of composers and performers need our attention, our love, and our financial support!  Please consider purchasing a ticket! Doing so will help Bang on a Can to do more performances, pay more players, and share more music worldwide.


12pm EDT

Mehdi Qamoum + Courtney Hartman – Morocco + USA
groovy guitar and guembri duets from Agadir & Loveland

OMMA – Russia
sweet ambient electronics and whimsical instrumentation

Eva Salina + Peter Stan – USA
exploring the feminine in Balkan Romani Music

Sayun Chang + Alice Hui-Sheng Chang  – Taiwan
primal, responsive meditations from Tainan, the oldest city in Taiwan

Malabika Brahma – India
soulful Baul vocals meets saz in Kolkata via Brussels

1pm EDT

Los Cumpleaños – USA
Colombian dance music meets downtown punk and psych synths from Brooklyn, NY

mind-altering spatial electronics from Beijing

Sodiala feat Tsanta Randriamihajasoa – Madagascar
the intricate rhythms of traditional Malagasy music

Paulo Sartori – Brazil
insatiable curiosity and string-world mastery from Sao Paulo, Brazil

2pm EDT

Greg Chudzik – USA
experimental bass magic from Brooklyn, NY

Akinyemi – USA
fresh beats and rhymes from Queens, NY

Amel Zen – Algeria
ethno-pop meets the Amazigh (Berber) traditions of Algeria

Sandunes – India
evocative electronic grooves from Mumbai

Eryen Ortíz Garcés – Colombia
tranceful marimba de chonta from the Pacific Coast of Colombia

3pm EDT

Abdallah Abozekry – Egypt
experimental saz improvisations from Cairo via Paris

Jiha Park – South Korea 
meditative yanggeum songs from Seoul

Askat Uulu – Kyrgyzstan 
traditional music from the mountains of Kyrgyzstan

Piotr Kurek – Poland
minimalist electronica and synth sound worlds from Warsaw

Bongeziwe Mabandla – South Africa
the enigmatic spirit of african soul straight from Johannesburg

Underground System – USA
electrifying afropop/punk/dance from Brooklyn, NY


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Suggested Ticket Levels


A big virtual hug and thank you for helping make this and future virtual Marathons possible.


We’d love to list you! For $25 or more, we’ll put your name on the Marathon 2020 website as Ticket Buyer. It’s that easy. Buy a ticket, be a supporter.

$100 and above

Receive the above and reserved seating! Okay, that’s silly. You can sit wherever you want. BUT $100 and above makes you a donor, not just a ticket buyer, and you can get a tax deduction and name on the Marathon website as a PRODUCER! Because you helped us produce the show, and that’s really, really important.

$1,500 – Commissions!

This is a very special category indeed. We are going to try to commission as many pieces as we can over the next few months, before we can all settle into a venue together to hear music together. So…for each $1,500 gift, we will apply the funds in equal parts to the composer, to the performer and to the Marathon 2020 fund that keeps this all going. If you want to know more about these commissions, just send an email to Tim Thomas, [email protected]. Or, when you give $1,500, we’ll contact YOU with info on your composer and when the piece will be premiered. You will also receive a signed score from the composer and our undying gratitude.



Elena Moon Park, Kyla-Rose Smith, Jeremy Thal, Chris Marianetti, Ezra Tenenbaum – hosts
Jody Elff – live stream producer and engineer
Peter Wise – live stream coordinator
Nyokabi Kariuki and Alejandro Salazar – OneBeat production assistants
Denise Burt – logo design

This performance is a continuation of Bang on a Can’s online offerings during the pandemic shutdown. In 2020-2021 our Marathons have featured more than 150 performances, including 60 world premieres of new commissions and over 175 composers and performers.

OneBeat is an initiative of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and produced by Bang on a Can’s Found Sound Nation.



Bang on a Can is grateful for the support of these crucial 2020-21 Funders:



Commissioners of New Work at the live online Bang on a Can Online Marathons include Stephen Block, Margaret Cullum, Lawrence Greenfield, Russ Irvin,  David Lake & Linda Wright, Herb Leventer, George Lewis, Raulee Marcus, Rob Mason, Gordon Nicol,  Maria & Robert A. Skirnick, Jane & Richard Stewart, Connie Steensma & Rick Prins.

Support of the Marathon Performers comes from the Williamson Foundation for Music. Support of Composers/Commissions comes from the ASCAP Foundation. Both funders have been key supporters of our Summer Festival at MASS MoCA, which we look forward to in 2021!

Marathon 2020 producers at $100 and Above: Robert Abrams, Eric Anderson, Polly Apfelbaum, Victoria Aschheim, Katherine Barton, Catherine Benoit, Gina Biver, Stephen Block, Jeffrey Bishop, Susan Boiko, Donald Brenneis, Elizabeth Brown, Jeffrey Calman, Ashley Capps, Kathryn Carnicia, Mark Cohen, Julie Courtney, Roberta Cummings, Phil D’Elia, Werner deFoe, Paul Dellevigne, Nina Di Leo, Yun Du, Amy Zell Ellsworth, David Falconer, William Falls, Neil Feldman, Julia Fought, Richard Frank, Philip George, Daniel Glidden, Peter and Celia Gourevitch-Falicov, Diane Guvenis, Karen Halvorson, Ann Hamilton, Adrienne Harris, Guy Hedreen, Logan Holmes, Jake Holmes, Karen Holtzman, Bernard and Marilyn Horowitz, Bronwen Jones, Gary Karr, Kevin Kennefick, Christine Kim, Alice Kornhauser, Richard Kuczkowski & Mia Leo, Lisa and Chris Kuneman/Zappala, William Kurtzer, Robert Kyr, David Lake, Jack Lampl, Daniel Lang, Lisa Lang, Michele Lerner, Scott Lescher, Carla Lord, Addison MacDonald, William Macholdt, Paula Matthusen, Sean McCain, Bill Morrison, Jeremy Mindich, Ruben Naeff, Cooper Neil, L J Newman, Ken Nielsen, Bruce Oltman, Luis Orozco, Sara Renar, Doug  Perkins, Sara Renar, Mark Robbins, Norman D. Ryan, Karen Sander, Tim Savinar, Marilyn Scannell, Diane Schelp, Cis and Jim Serling, Hubertus Siegert, Clark Silcox, Mark Solomon, Alan Stanbridge, Tom Steenland, Robert Stein, April Stewart Klausner, Dava Stravinsky, Michael Thomson, Kyle Tieman-Strauss,Emily Todd, Cia Toscanini, Vince Tseng, John Underkoffler, Vanetta Vancak, Dan VanHassel, Libby Van Cleve & Jack Vees, Debra Vilinsky, Andrew Wallach, Adam Watkins, Stefan Weisman, Claire Weisz, Curtis Wenzel, Harry White, Vina Williams, Kristina Wolfe, Scott Wollschleger, William Worn, Andrew Flora Wong, Bonnie Wright, Bora Yoon, Peter Zirnite

And thank you to our Ticket Buyers at $25 and above: Christopher Adler, Geoffrey Albert, James Alexander, Laura Alexander, Peter Allen, Simon Allen, Jim Allen, Abiud Amaro Diaz, Charles Amirkhanian, Nancy Anderson, Marc Andren, Rita Asch, Arthur Baer, Arthur Baer, Richard Baitz,  Lawrence Banks, Robert Barber, Steve Bartek, Ellizabeth Bassemir, Mark Beiderbecke, Leonard Belasco, Mary Berlow, Andrea Berne, Paige and Tom Bevis, Ted Bietz, Larry Birstock, Mark Blackman, Larry Blatecky, Fred D Bogin, Mark Borg, Juli Borst, Teddy Dean Boys, Margit Brand, Emanuele Breda, Tim Brennan, Monique Briggs, Susan Brilliant, Lisa Brinker, Joey Brown, Jon Brunelle, Pat Burkhard, Sharon Burklund, Ty Burr, Mickey Butts, Madelyn Byrne, Vicki Cabot, Colin Cahill, Leslie Cardell, Robert Carley, Aannette Carlozzi, Omar Carmenates, Frederick Casey, Jody Cassell, Thomas Catlaw, Daniel Chandler, Charles Chapman, Carlton Chase, David Chase, Roger Chase, Paul Chavez, Young Soon, Cho Jaquet, Tom Choi, Laura Christensen, Ty Citerman, Barbara Cohen-Stratyner, John Coldwell, Ashley Collins, Matt Comeione, Heidi Coplin, Tom Corrado, Lindsay Coughtry, Mitzi Cowell, Jason Crimmins, Rodney Crumrine, Karen Cummings, Corey Curtis, Aaron Cutler, Gregory Darms, Michael Daugherty, Kim Davies, Sheila Davies Sumner, Nathan Davis, Paul Dellevigne, Katharine DeShaw, Patricia Deuter, Mario Diaz de Leon, Robert Dickerson, Fiona Digney, Sean Donovan, Jean Dowdall, Jakob Dr. Sinzinger, Pamela Drexel, David Drexler, Janice Driesbach, Dana Duff, Lynn Easley, Elaine Edelman, Diane Eisenstat, Stephen Engelmann, Janeil Engelstad, Matthew Evangelista, Mike Evers, Mike Evers, Michael Fagan, Margery Fain, Ted and Leila Falk, William Falls, Ralph Farris, Susan Feder, Alan Feller, David Felton, Melissa Ferreira, Thomas Field, Chris Fielder, James Findlay, Kelly Fitz, Donald Fortescue, Alice Fox, Daniel Fox, Verena Foxx, Susan Frankel, Michael Frankhuizen, Tovia Freedman, Kaja Gam, Ariana Garber, Sandra Garner, Alan Gaynor, Katie Geissinger, Katie Geissinger, Andra Georges, Monica Germino, Ron Gianola, Rachel Gibson, Nancy Ginter, David Gladstein, Neil Glassman, Rose Gonzalez, Brian Good, Matthew Gordon, Jack Gorman, David Gorsline, Thomas Granvold, David Graves, Wade Greene, Judd Greenstein, Arwen Griffith, Gareth Griffiths, Cheri Grinnell, Augusta Gross, Robert Grubbs, Dave Grzyb, Rhoda Gubernick, John Guppy, Donald Haig, Elisabeth Halliday-Quan, Rachel Hands, Bob Harberts, Elliot Harmon, Brian Harris, Michael Harrison, Steven Hart, Susan Hartzell, Anne Hege, Charles Hendrick, George Henik, Jerome Hentsch, Juan Herrera, Barbara Hertel, Orit Hilewicz, Christopher Hill, Christopher Hill, Richard Hoffman, Schuyler Hoffman, Vicki Holcomb, James Holt, Jeaninne Honstein, Robert Honstein, Susan Horowitz, Stephen Horton, JC Hotchkiss, Philipp Hullmann, Jon Hurd, Mark Irwin, Ava Jacobi, Scott Jackson, Risa Jaroslow, Kelly Jarrett, Alan Jenkins, Sarah Jesudason, Carla E. Jimenez, Carl Johnson, Donald Johnson, Brooke Johnson, Christina Johnson, Alexander Johnston, Zoe Johnstone, Mary Margaret Jones, John Jowett, Arnold Kalmbach, Kent Karnofski, Tom Kanthak, Lisa Kaplan, James Karela,  Melanie Kasten-Krause, Pavel Katsev, Shinji Kawamoto, Debra Kaye, Robert Kearney, Cheryl Keepers, Tracy Kellmer, Daniel Kelman, Daniel Kelman, Daniel Kelman, Dawna Kemper, Clement Kent, Richard Kent, David Keogh, Paul Kerekes, Sue Killam, Isabel Kim, Byron Kim, Dave King, Pamela Kivelson, Robert Klavas, Guy & Jan Klucevsek, Elizabeth Knowles-O’Hare, Stephen Kolderup, Jamey Kollar, Rosalie Kornblau, Thomas Kriegsman, Tracy Kukkonen, Paricia Kulawiak, Dik Lampen, Jodie Landau, Lisa Lang, Dan Langa, Daniel Langa, Anne Leilehua Lanzilotti, Sarah Lazin, Julie Lees, Herb Leventer, Marsha Levin-Rojer, Renee Levine Packer, Mark Lewin, Harold Lichtin, David Lieberman, George Liebert, Kirsten Lies-Warfield, Leah Lievrouw, Wendy Lindbergh, Denise Loggins, Jane Lombard, Terry Longshore, Selene Ma, David MacDonald, Colin MacDonald, Thomas Mack, Edward MacKay, George Mallis, Ross Marshall, Alexandra  Martinez, Bill Mascioli, John Mastarone, Melissa Mazzoli, Laurie McCants, David McGuire, David McGuire, Maureen McLane, Rohana McLaughlin, Craig McNutt, Aaron Miller, Jeffrey Mills, Linda Milstein, Patrick Miqueu, Paula Mlyn, Andrea Moed, Gayle Morgan, Elizabeth Morrison, Marilyn Munsterman, Sean Murphy, Cooper Neil, Thomas Neiman, Tobin Nellhaus, Russell Nelson, Brandon Neubauer, Cynthia Nicely, Mark Niedermier, Michael Niemann, Robert Nirkind, Eleanor Nussbaum, James O’Donnell, Peter O’Gorman, Rick O’Neal, John O’Shaughnessy, John O’Toole, John Ochsendorf, Selma Odom, Takuya Oi, David Oppenheimer, Michael Organ, Nicholas Osborn, Charles Outhier, Stephanie Palmer, Mark Palmgren, Isabelle  Pannetonh, Mindy Paquin, Helen Park, Francis Patrick, Yves Perrier, Miriam Pierce, Day Piercy, Janice Pilch, Diana Pinto, Alli Poirot, James Poke, Claudia Portogallo, Kristin Pulkkinen, Sue & Mike Radlauer, Dean Rainey, Patricia Raley, Monika Rammelt, Brendon Randall-Myers, Namira Rasman, Jeanee Redmond, Rachel Reichman, Linda Reinisch, Marja Rexwinkel, Zach Rice, Michael Roach, Meghan Robertson-Labbee, Phyllis Robinson, Rogerio Rodrigues,  Sara Ronar, James Rosenfield, Randy Rosso, Marina Rothman, Jay Rozen, Nancy Ruppenthal, Lite Sabin, John Sagan, Jeanne Saier, Frank Sakalinis, Paul Salinger, James Sanford, Nathan Schimke, Ursel Schlicht,  Janet Schreiber, Gabriel Schuyler, Collette Sell, David Senie, Daryl Shawn, Richard Shaw, Jason Sigal, Steve Silberman, Kate Simmons, Barbara Simms, Debra Simon, Dutcher Snedeker, Alisa Solomon, Eva Soltes, Justin Sowa, Sergio Spedo, Kathy Stackhouse, Douglas Stapleton, Peter Stastny, Naomi Stein, Peter Stepek, Jill Strominger, David Suisman, Jameson Swanagon, Steven Swartz, Mazz Swift, Diana Sworakowski, Irene Talbott, Donna Tapper, Naomi Tarantal, Peter and Janann Taylor, Sarah Teitler, Chris Theofanidis, James Thirlwell, Doug Thomas, Jean Thomas, Kyle Tieman-Strauss, Marika Tjelios, Ola Torstensson, Cia Toscanini, Jonathan Tregear, Chris Trivell, Michael Tucker, Stan Tymorek, Jose Uribe, Jacqui Uys, Hans van Bemmelen, Henk van den Brink, Kees van Prooijen, Daniel Van Hassel, Matthew Vernon, Anton Vishio, Alexandra Walcott, Joel Walfish, Andrew Walker, Kelly Walker, Adam Walter, Stephen Want, Joseph Ward, Sara Washington, Philip Webb, David Weiner, David Weller, Brad Wells, C. Alex Wells, William Wells, Martha Westerdahl, Linda Westrick, Christopher White, LJ White, Audrey Williams, Timothy Wilson, Jane Winter, Eric Winter, Jocelyn Wolfe, Flora Wong, William Worn, Anna Wyss, Anna Wyss, Lynn Yellen, Bora Yoon, Scott Yost, Tanya Young, David Young, Pamela Z, Jonas Zimmermann, Judith Zissman

Bang on a Can’s 2020-21 programs are made possible with generous lead support from: Amphion Foundation, ASCAP and ASCAP Foundation, Atlantic Records, Daniel Baldini, Stephen A. Block, Bishop Fund, Jeffrey Calman, Charina Endowment Fund, City of New York Department of Cultural Affairs, Aaron Copland Fund for Music, Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation, Alice M. Ditson Fund of Columbia University, Exploring the Arts, Howard Gilman Foundation, Jaffe Family Foundation,, Alan Kifferstein & Joan Finkelstein, Michael Kushner, Leslie Lassiter, Herb Leventer, MAP Fund, Raulee Marcus, MASS MoCA, Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation, Jeremy Mindich & Amy Smith, Elizabeth Murrell & Gary Haney, National Endowment for the Arts, New Music USA, New York Community Trust, New York State Council on the Arts (with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature), Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels Foundation, Scopia Capital Management, Matthew Sirovich & Meredith Elson, Maria & Robert A. Skirnick, Jane & Dick Stewart, Sandra Tait and Hal Foster, Trust for Mutual Understanding, Williamson Foundation for Music, Adam Wolfensohn & Jennifer Small, and Wolfensohn Family Foundation.

Bang on a Can’s Board of Directors: Michael Kushner, president; Sandra Tait, vice-president; Alan Kifferstein, Treasurer; Robert A. Skirnick, secretary. Betto Arcos, Daniel Baldini, Jeffrey Bishop, Stephen Block, Jeffrey Calman, Michael Gordon, Lynette Jaffe, David Lang, Leslie Lassiter, George Lewis, Raulee Marcus, Elizabeth Murrell, Jane Stewart, Julia Wolfe, Adam Wolfensohn

Bang on a Can Staff:

Artistic Directors: Michael Gordon, David Lang, Julia Wolfe
Executive Director: Kenny Savelson
Development Director & OneBeat Oversight: Tim Thomas
Project Manager: Philippa Thompson
Producer: Sruly Lazaros
1Beat Co-Directors: Chris Marianetti, Jeremy Thal, Elena Moon Park
1Beat Managers: Kyla-Rose Smith and Ezra Tenenbaum
Accounts Manager: Brian Petuch
Online Store Manager: Adam Cuthbert
Archive Content Manager: Matt Evans
Assistant Store Manager: Cassie Wieland
Publicity: Jensen Artists